How can the Dog Decoder App help your family?
The Dog Decoder App is a great quick reference tool to help you expand on your current level of canine body language.
The fun and quirky illustrations are kid-friendly and illustrate clear comparisons between a wide variety of dog stances, body positions, postures, movements and facial expressions. Each behaviour or language is clearly labeled and there is an information section connected to each one expanding on interpretation of that particular canine signal.
The beautiful thing is that this app contains a quiz section so you check up on how much a user has learned.
The main thing to remember is that sometimes a particular display can mean several different things so learning to read the whole body is the key to understanding what a dog is really saying.
If you have a dog we highly recommend this app.
If you don’t have a dog we still highly recommend this app.
It does not contain moving footage such as video so you won’t get to see in real time how quickly body language signals can be displayed however there are other app’s that do this. Often times the speed at which a signal is given is the reason they are missed, however more often the problem is that only a minority of people know how to read dogs really well.
What we love about this app is the appealing images and ease of use, making it a wonderful tool for parents to teach and practice with their kids. Let’s make life easier and safer for only $5.99.
Check it out at…
Leah & Angela O’Meara
Hound Dog Day Care (Specialists in Dog Minding & Dog Boarding, Pet Sitting Brisbane & Doggy Day Care Brisbane)