What a spectacular life this dog has !

You’ll be amazed at Mira’s marvellous bikepacking adventures…
John Freeman is a cyclist with a passion for discovery on the road. He has been bikepacking for many years and is not only famous for his travels (which 1000’s of enthusiasts have followed on line), but also for his gorgeous dog ‘Mira’. When Mira is not riding in John’s cart she can be seen trotting along side him. Later you’ll get to see some incredible parts of their adventures. But first we’d like to share with you a few of John’s tips about how he and his precious companion make things work on their travels.
John advises anyone intending to bikepack with their dog to do a lot of research well in advance about his or her trip and the destinations. Is the region suited to your pet, do you know the local laws and will you have access to veterinary care if required? Where can food and water for your dog be sourced? Are the surfaces suitable for your dog to travel on, both as a passenger if you are carrying him, and for walking/running when he is exercising? What will the temperatures be like? You both need to be fit enough for whatever you are undertaking and if it is new to you, start gradually and build up. Each dog is unique and yours may or may not be suited to bikepacking. Once you’re up to doing longer distances start with just a one night trip to begin with. Don’t forget to pack his food, water, doggy first aid kit and vaccination records. It is critical to be aware of your dog’s hydration needs and his fitness abilities. There’s no point in pushing your dog or it’s just not going to be enjoyable for him.
John who describes himself as an introvert believes that having his sidekick ‘Mira’ along is not only great for company, but is also excellent for breaking down barriers in meeting people. Many are bursting with curiosity to meet the two of them and find out where they’ve come from and where they’re going.
‘Mira’ in Spanish means ‘look’. So often had John heard this word that it became an apt name. Many smiling faces pointing at this unusual sight of these two companions travelling by pedal-and-paw-power. The duo have also appeared in a video by famous YouTuber Ryan Van Duzer who had the pleasure of their company for several legs of his journey in California.
You can see the lovely Mira on Instagram @mira_la_pera
and check out Ryan, John & Mira via the following video
Leah & Angela OMeara
Hound Dog Day Care (Specialists in Dog Minding & Dog Boarding, Pet Sitting Brisbane & Doggy Day Care Brisbane)