Why are Rex Specs Supreme?

Not ‘just’ for the Active Dog
When it comes to protective equipment for our dogs, after performance the ultimate question is going to be comfort. Rex Specs can be used for working, adventure, hunting and health. The makers have carefully catered for all dogs by producing 6 sizes of goggles so there is a pair suitable for all breeds.
You don’t have to be crossing a desert, hiking in thorny scrub or trail-running to need eye protection for your pooch. You don’t even have to be embarking on a sun or snow escapade. There are many applications. In fact, Archie is captured in this pic (what a cutie) wearing his Rex Specs as he recovered from a temporary eye condition. He wasn’t about to let anything get in the way of his Doggy Day out at the Houndog Adventure Park and we have to say he looked ‘very sporty’ while doing it.
Rex Specs lenses offer UVA and UVB protection, are water friendly, impact resistant and ‘replaceable’. Their spherical lens & wrap around design gives your dog excellent field of view plus clarity. They sit in a durable frame with a foam edge which offers a snug seal and that essential comfort, especially for the bridge of the snout. The fully adjustable strap system ensures a perfect fit while offering a full range of motion. A breathable mesh allows airflow and a way for moisture to escape or drain.
Sizing, fitting and training guides (including a fitting video) and loads more info’ can be found on their website so drop in and check it out by clicking the following link…
Rex Specs also make hearing protection for dogs with a product named ‘Ear Pro’. The design was built to give a safe working environment for military dogs and those dogs travelling on motorcycles, attending concerts or working on loud industrial sites. Just like humans, canines can suffer hearing loss from noise exposure.
Leah & Angela OMeara
Hound Dog Day Care (Specialists in Dog Minding & Dog Boarding, Pet Sitting Brisbane & Doggy Day Care Brisbane)