Could this be the Future in Kennel Design?
When noises such as thunder or fireworks sound in the distance, our sensitive pets can find them an assault on the senses. Fireworks are usually the most severe on pooches, with approximately 50% display an adverse reaction.
This new type of kennel doesn’t just look fabulous; it has a superbly practical use. It’s Ford’s prototype of a noise-cancelling kennel. The genius of this idea is that once microphones located inside the kennel detect the thunder or fireworks a connected audio system produces opposite frequencies. This significantly or completely cancels the incoming noise. The outer construction includes high density cork which also helps insulate the outside noises.
Although this wonderful piece of architecture is not yet available for sale, but we are excited to hear of its inception. The inspiration came as Ford worked on dampening engine and transmission noises in motor vehicles. Similar technology is used in some noise cancelling headphones.
A window on one side allows your dog can see through both ends. Along with the cork panels, microphone and soundproofing, advanced features include anti-vibration risers, soundproofed ventilation and an automatic door so the benefits can be felt quickly when a dog takes shelter inside.
The ThunderShirt may never go out of style but the noise cancelling kennel has certainly made our ears stand up.
We’re certain someone will develop this prototype, so your dog will be able to retreat to a place where he/she feels safe. Scared dogs have been known to flee upon hearing painful or upsetting noise and we’ve covered a few tips in recent blogs but would love to hear any of your own ideas you’ve put to work.
Leah & Angela OMeara
Hound Dog Day Care (Specialists in Dog Minding & Dog Boarding, Pet Sitting Brisbane & Doggy Day Care Brisbane)