Enhanced doggy dining

As we age and our bodies change our nutritional requirements can too. Ask your vet about your dogs diet in relation to their age and energy output. If teeth and gums aren’t in the best of shape you may need to reduce hard foods. Before embarking on adjusting a dogs diet please note that it needs to happen gradually.
Smell is a big part of a dining experience. For them and us, age can diminish our sense of smell. Heating your dogs’ food is one way to help in this matter. Heated food tends to smell stronger and can increase enjoyment. Blood temperature is warm enough as they should not be given hot food.
Tall dogs have further to bend to the floor so if your pooch has eg arthritis in his neck he may appreciate the option of eating from a raised bowl. Another way to add incentive is to include food in games and mental stimulation. If this is something your dog still enjoys, make his day and engage with him.
Leah & Angela OMeara
Hound Dog Day Care (Specialists in Dog Minding & Dog Boarding, Pet Sitting Brisbane & Doggy Day Care Brisbane)