55 Greyhounds lose the race
Well I guess you heard the recent report about a mass grave of greyhounds found in bush land south east of Bundaberg. 55 carcasses in one spot. Two people have been charged but police are still appealing to the public for more information.
The bodies were at varying stages of decomposition. A local resident asked about their opinion on the recent expose ‘ greyhound live baiting’ scandal aired on television, suggested not only should such offender be banned from owning dogs, but banned from ever owning an animal.
As some of the bodies were burned, it was not yet known if this is the result of wildfires in the area or the fire was deliberately lit.
The problem is larger than the fact these dogs were killed. There is some suggestion that whilst they were alive these dogs were kept in less than ideal conditions. The other concern is the possibility this is only one of more horrors about to be uncovered since Racing Queenslands probe. Let’s hope not.
An independent review is in order to find out how the greyhound industry numbers stack up and how this type of operation and lack of accountability could have gone undetected.
This gorgeous greyhound pictured above lives a privileged and fulfilled life thanks to her wonderful owner. We often marvel at her beauty when she attends daytrips.
Leah & Angela OMeara
Hound Dog Day Care (Specialists in Dog Minding & Dog Boarding, Pet Sitting Brisbane & Doggy Day Care Brisbane)