Dogs and Storms
During the storm season it is important to make sure your dog has some ID. Your dog may be micro-chipped but it’s a lot easier for someone to simply telephone you. A registration tag should be attached and this way an owner can be found quickly.
Many dogs get spooked enough to break out or run away. This has also been known to happen at times when are e.g. loud noises from a building site. Rock breaking, power tools and nail guns can frighten our pooches too.
Please do not comfort or baby-talk your dog when it shows fearfulness or anxiety as the attention will only reinforce its fear. Act normally without petting or reassuring. There are loads of ideas on the internet about how to desensitize your dog to storm activity. Some techniques require ‘in the moment’ approaches, however for plenty of folks we cannot always be at home when a storm brews.
Dogs may display the same type of fear with other loud noises such as fireworks. If you anticipate a storm or fireworks it is advisable to place your dog in an area where it cannot see the flashes of light. If dogs are tied up they may damage themselves physically trying to get away.
Contacting your local vet, the RSPCA and your local shelter can assist in the search for a lost dog.
Leah & Angela OMeara
Hound Dog Day Care (Specialists in Dog Minding & Dog Boarding, Pet Sitting Brisbane & Doggy Day Care Brisbane)