Dog Poop Particulars

Ok so it may not be attractive to examine your dogs latest doo doo but it all tells a story. What can you tell from a doggy stool? It’s a useful tool or stool to tell whether he’s healthy. A healthy stool should be brown and smooth like a sausage with a few cracks.
Very dark in colour may indicate blood in the stool.
Mucus on the outside may indicate inflammation of the intestines.
To save the in depth description here you can view grades of dog poo on line. (Who would’ve thunk it). Yes google images provide wonderful reference, there are even charts designed to show you what a good poo should look like.
So kids before you get out those magnifying glasses please remember to always pick up the poo using a pooper scoop or bag. Remnants of dog droppings left, get washed into local rivers or bays up to 20 miles away and often carry E. coli along with a variety of worms and other nasties. Dispose of properly and thoroughly wash your hands. We like to use the inverted-doggy-doo-bag-method to minimize the possibility of touching the log.
A vet will look at the system as a whole but it is helpful to be able to report what’s coming out.
Leah & Angela OMeara
Hound Dog Day Care (Specialists in Dog Minding & Dog Boarding, Pet Sitting Brisbane & Doggy Day Care Brisbane)