How is it that puppies look so similar?
Larger breeds give birth to larger pups and naturally smaller breeds to smaller pups however it is not until pups begin to grow that the differences in their appearances (breed) becomes more evident. A major reason is the necessity for a pup to be able to suckle. This presents the same challenge for all breeds and to drink successfully from their mother, a pup needs a short snout. You cannot have a long snout and feed this way. That is why most pups look more like pugs for the first chapter of their life. After weaning their face characteristics begin to change.
Short nose breeds such as Bulldogs and Pekinese retain their look due to slower growing rate of their nasal bones. Such characteristics have been blamed on reckless breeding because the result is… a large number of flat-faced dogs requiring surgery in order to breath freely. In the case of domestic canines, it is mans intervention (artificial selection) and not evolution that has brought about this problem. Flat-faced dogs are not the only breed to suffer such a made-made affliction and we hope that the future of dog showing can help in promoting and supporting characteristics which are practical and comfortable for dogs rather than for the appeasement of the human eye.
Leah & Angela O’Meara
Hound Dog Day Care (Specialists in Dog Minding & Dog Boarding, Pet Sitting Brisbane & Doggy Day Care Brisbane)